Thursday, March 14, 2013

No Corrupt Communication

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” –Ephesians 4:29
Throughout our days we say thousands of words; many speak with their hearts but it seems a lot more speak by their feeble minds. We think even more than we speak, but that’s not where I’m going with this right now. Every day the choices we make say what we are and who our hearts beat for, so it’s an open door—we can either take God’s Word and apply it literally to our daily lives, key word ‘daily’, and make a difference in the world with love, caring, and compassion. Or we can live for ourselves and the world and speak with hate and judgment, leaving the world looking at you and wondering who exactly your god is because it’s definitely not my God that is all about kind words and actions and who would never act in any other way than righteous. It’s really not that difficult to lay the ways of the world down and pick up your cross to follow Jesus.
We have to be careful, especially those of us who call ourselves Christians, because everywhere we go we have God, Big Brother, and every other person on this planet watching our every move. If we are sitting around talking about one another and complaining, moaning, and groaning there’s always a chance that at least one person around you, that doesn’t know much about God, will see your actions and hear your words and remember you sitting a few pews ahead of them in church that previous Sunday morning will think to themselves, “If that’s what being a Christian is all about, then why do I have to go to church or be saved? I can just stay the same if this is what it takes.” I don’t know about anyone else but I know I definitely do not ever want to lead anyone astray, EVER, because I know when it’s my turn to stand in front of the Man on Judgment Day I don’t want to have to beg and plead for another chance to get it right. I want to get it right the first time around no matter what, even if it means being laughed at or ridiculed by the world for being a “Jesus Freak”. It happens every time, no one God ever sent to this world was accepted, not even His Son. So how can I, a speck on the planet, a no one, expect to be accepted or be treated any different? Instead of having the previous feelings of sadness or embarrassment for being rejected I can finally be excited because it means I am His child! How anyone with a beating heart can laugh at someone that has love for Christ and goodness is really beyond me, even though I clearly understand scriptures explaining the cold heartedness of many humans, it still makes me feel pity for them.
It takes more energy to be grumpy, grouchy, sad, and frowning than happy. Who honestly wants to go throughout their day in a bad mood? No one wants to be by you or even attempt talking to you because they are scared of how you’ll react and ultimately you’re left alone and even more down in the dumps—how ironic. Think about it for a minute……Who honestly likes being around a grumpy, miserable person? They never seem to bother me because I always smile, say hi, and pray for these individuals because they are the ones that need the kindness and love the most. I realize we all have factors in our lives that do indeed have a huge potential in getting us down, stressed, and depressed but these are usually tests. The test is to see how you will react and whether you choose to follow the flesh or the spirit (Ephesians 6:11-12). Some people say, “Well I keep praying and praying and nothing seems to change.” Well that’s probably because you keep failing the test. You can’t go to the next level if you can’t even comprehend the one you’re currently on, right? And we can pray for days for things we WANT, but it usually always makes you miss the things the Lord blessed you with. The things you needed. We cannot be selfish any longer; it is such a toxic way to live.
So let’s just make the choice to understand what it really means when it says to walk WITH Christ. Not behind him yelling, “Hold on Jesus! I just have to finish this last weekend of drinking”, or “Just a minute, I’m not ready just yet to fully believe and commit my life, give me a couple weeks and I’ll be back”. That’s not at all what it means to walk with Christ. I believe it means we have to walk and talk like a Christian, not just when we feel like it, but always.  Make it a point to smile at every one and ask complete strangers how their days are going. For in doing so, some have entertained angels unaware (Hebrews 13:2) .
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." 
Smile, be happy, and love one another. ALL of mankind and not just some of mankind. If someone has hurt you, pray for them and don’t think about retaliation. If someone stole something from you, pray for them and don’t constantly count of the lost material possession that is now gone. If someone has hurt you by false accusations, pray for them and don’t constantly re-live the moment over and over in your head, allowing someone the opportunity to live rent free in your head. PRAY FOR EVERYONE. Be thankful for the things you are blessed with; family, friends, a home, food, clothes, health, God and a country that allows you the right to worship Him freely. We all need to be very thankful for this last one because there has been and will be times of peril and times where we are forced to worship other gods and idols and will ultimately be banned from our Bibles and God. The realness of what ‘Christian persecution’ is will come crawling back to reality. We have to make sure we are paying attention to what is going on around us because the world we live in is all about illusions. Don’t just trust and believe what CNN or any other news outlets tells you because a lot of the time it’s not even the whole truth, or even close to it. Do not willingly accept what the media spoon feeds you. We cannot be so naïve, we HAVE to wake up and at this point I don’t really care who thinks I’m ‘crazy’ for speaking my mind and the truth about the world because I would rather look back and know that I spoke the truth and spoke up for what I believed, instead of giving in to the fear of not being accepted for offending someone.
It’s about time we stop living in a society of being ‘politically correct’ and start being Biblically correct and this involves speaking up and standing BY our God. Not behind Him. If anyone is feeling confused or having questions about Jesus, I suggest you read the book of John in the New Testament, it tells the story of who Jesus is so well that it leaves you without ever doubting again. That’s if you really read it and study it with your heart, mind, and soul. If you just pick your Bible up without really craving to understand then you won’t have much of a chance because it has been designed to work that way. Those that are spiritually blind will always be ignorant of the truth--even when the lame walked and blind could see-- they will never understand until they turn their hearts towards the Lord.
You are enrolled in a full time school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid at the time. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error; experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works” (That’s Gods experiment). A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lesson. If you are alive—there are lessons to be learned. “There”is no better than “here”. When your “there” has become a “here” you will simply obtain another “there” that will again look better than “here”. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need, your heart and the Lords Word. What you do with them is up to you, the choice is yours. Look, listen, and trust.
So, let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth, but that which is good to edify and minister grace unto hearers. Act, speak, think, walk, and talk with Christ. J

We cannot act as if God doesn't exist

Dec 14, 2012

I was laying in bed thinking about that days madness and realizing how we've somehow allowed God to be removed from our schools and I started wondering what I should/could do about this teacher. Naturally as a girl I also was thinking about what I was going to wear the next day and immediately it was like Jesus told me, "you're going to wear your vintage shirt cross top and you're going to wear your black blazer to show this teacher that she may be able to bully a child and his faith but you will stand up for him by wearing this." Without any questions or second thoughts about my wardrobe selection that morning,  I wore exactly that. As soon as that teacher saw my shirt she looked like she had seen a ghost. Job well done, thanks Jesus.
That very morning there was a mass shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. 27 dead; 20 children, 6 teachers, 1 demented soul.
I literally just wrote a story yesterday about an elementary teacher telling a small child that he was to NEVER bring God back to school with him. This is a very sick, tragic, and heart-wrenching thing to hear and see. When we take God out of our schools and lives, what really do we expect to happen? We cannot act and behave as if he doesn't exist. When we do that, we are handing the devil the reigns and saying, "here ya go, it's all yours!"  As I previously wrote, I feel very justified with my feelings of disgust towards the system. Yes, the system I said it. Ohhhh, scary. No, it's not scary if you are on what side is the light and about love and kindness. The Lord.
God represents love and kindness, along with having the ability to forgive so we can be forgiven. None of these things were ever heard of or seen until we did indeed remove the only loving and caring thing there ever is and will be, God. His son, Jesus Christ, died for OUR sins not his because he had none. The saddest thing here is that noone even wants to open their eyes to the real world because when they do they realize they are indeed being brainwashed and programmed to the things of this world and the evil that resides in it, so it scares the shit out of them. Pardon my language but it's the honest truth.
Mark my words, all of these shootings are not just random tragedies. They will use this as a scape goat to feel the need to take everyone's arms away to 'protect' us and in the end leave us defenseless when sh*t hits the fan. (And it will soon, pick up a Bible)
How have we gotten to the point of feeling like violence is the answer to everything? I pray that the truth and light will show itself to everyone so you can all see and feel the love the God does shed on us, and it's an indescribable feeling and so real that it will blow your mind. 
I know without a doubt many people across the nation will mourn the losses of these innocent lives and many will say, "why isn't anyone doing anything? And what is wrong with this world?" First we have to remember that the devil has control over the world right now, but his time is running out right before our very eyes. The day Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit they literally handed the deed of the world over to the devil, just like he had planned. However, we all say and feel like there is nothing we can do about any of the things that are happening around us but think of the things that can be done if we all did our parts in our OWN lives and environments.
Love • forgive • be kind • give without expecting to receive in return • be gentle • smile • share • you get my point. It would be a rapid fire that would spread across the globe without any doubt making a tremendously huge impact on the world. We can't change the world on our own, we NEED God and Jesus, along with our GENUINE and loving hearts and spirits. If we aren't genuine with the things we do, it's like we didn't even do them at all. God knows every single person in this worlds hearts. Lets love one another and realize that we indeed do NEED GOD! It's really not so hard. It's time to wake up.

God removed from our schools

Dec 13, 2012

Well today was a very trying say the least. I'll start off first with a little back story on the day the Lord "woke me up" and I'll finish with what happened yesterday morning at school;

The Lord spoke to me in a vision as I was driving home from my Grandfather's funeral and one of the things He was very specific that I was to do, was to go in to work the next morning and resign from my job. (My very well paying job at that!) I was to move back to my hometown so I could be with my mother as she dealt with the death of her father. Everyone around me thought I had lost my mind. I had literally just moved in to my new apartment in Edmond, and literally new because no one had ever lived in it prior to myself and my younger sister. The Lord then showed me that I was to immediately call the Superintendent of the public school I attended as child and let them know I would be available to sit in for any teacher that needed me. So, for the next several months I found my "job" being a substitute teacher to all grades.

On this day, one of the 3rd grade students confidently strolled up to my desk and was clearly very excited about something! He had this HUGE smile shining brightly in his little eyes and I began to wonder what could possibly make this little child so happy? So, I naturally figured it would be something sad that would just upset me, like usual now days. The Lord has done some very amazing things in and through me this last month and it's hard to even put in to words without sounding like a lunatic.

Anyway, I say sad because we do not really seem to realize how absolutely ridiculous we have let everything get! It's to the point that small children are having feelings of inadequacy over things that should be of no relevance to their little selves. This generation, and our society in a whole actually, all seem to have a spell put on us that makes us think and really believe that all our life consists of and should revolve around are materialism & being a "someone". Oh and let's not forget greed. If we don't get the things we want, that others have, then we can't and simply will not be happy? Right? This is NOT true, and I have the prime example right here!

This little child had brought in to school with him a t-shirt that he had made in to an apron at bible school the previous Sunday. He was SO excited and proud over this apron that he designed with his own little hands, so in his state of excitement he asked if we could put it up in the classroom somewhere so his friends and classmates could see it! He wanted to share it with everyone and I had every intention of doing so, but after class was over I went to lunch and changed classrooms. I got distracted, it's the story of our lives.

On the front of the shirt was a Cross with the scripture ISAIAH 6:8 and below it there were a pair of hands lifting up towards heaven and "Here I am Lord" written in between the outlifted hands. It was the cutest thing ever, and mostly because he was so excited about Jesus! I could see the love literally pouring out of him. Talk about warming your heart!, and if it doesn't then I'd say you need to do some soul searching sooner rather than later!
Well, this morning when I got to the classroom I found the young child and asked where his apron was because I planned to do something special with it for him. I intuitively noticed how something didn't seem right because just yesterday he seemed to be so excited about it but now he seemed to feel reserved and confused. He immediately looked down towards his feet and with a sad look in his eyes he looked up and proceeded to tell me,

"Well, one of my teachers took it off of the desk and told me to NEVER bring it back to school with me again..."
Um, what!? I almost had a heart attack after learning this! I, obviously, didn't realize how now days people at school, and everywhere, treat God like he's voo doo and not to be spoken of! This is very sad people! What in GOD'S creation is going on?!!!!! I have been extremely outraged about this since. I have also finally realized the times we are living in and the severity of speaking the truth, no matter the consequences. It has to be spoken, no matter what. Being silent is a crime in the eyes of the Lord. He told us to share the good news after we have found it and this child was doing just that.

Since when is it a crime, a 3rd grade crime at that, to bring your childlike faith with you to school to share with your friends? I do not know how or when we let this happen but it seems we have taken God out of everything, even our schools apparently! Our country was founded on the right to worship God in your own way and it was said to see to it that others have the right to do the same as well! We have the right to speak our minds without fear of imprisonment or punishment; To ensure the rights of others, even if you do not agree with them. This little kid had fear of punishment written all over him and that is not okay!

Our rights as a citizen:
You and your family can; worship where you like; say what you like; own things and live where you like; meet people where you want; go to a good school; vote; have a trial by jury; keep people from searching your homes--unless they have a special paper called a warrant from a judge. These rights are yours! You keep them by using them! So, the question at this point may be, how is this all okay?

It infuriates me to no end and I feel like there is a huge ball of disgust lodged in my stomach and that's a very justified feeling! Who does this teacher think she is making this small child feel sad and ASHAMED simply for bringing a t-shirt to school that he found interesting and cool? All he wanted to do was share the love of Jesus with his friends. I believe this sounds a lot like a story many of us have heard before...
What would this teacher have done if the kid would have been wearing that shirt? Of course he wouldn't have been wearing it because it's now an apron, so cute, but you get where I'm going with this! This is not okay people, please wake up to what is really going on right under our noses. When we take the only loving and caring factor out of our lives, and schools, how can we even turn around and feel shocked at the things that seem to be taking place in schools now?

Not long after God was removed from schools the Columbine shootings took place and it seems it hasn't gotten any better since, only worse. When we remove God from our lives and schools how then can we logically expect Him to protect us and take care of us? He received the message loud and clear when we shunned Him and decided we no longer needed His love and grace with our children while they are at school, a place that should be a comfort zone for every child out there! We've seemed to have given the reigns over to the world and satan because he is the ruler over the entire world through Adam and Eve's disobedience.  We can all clearly see where that's gotten us so far!

I urge everyone to please open your eyes to the darkness that is spreading thicker and thicker all around us before time runs out! God is our ONLY HOPE and our ONLY PROTECTION FROM THE WICKED! WAKE UP!!! 


            Everywhere I go I see people who have noticed the changes God has made in my life. Even some to the extreme point of saying, “We need to socialize you with public again.” Well I do have to say that I believe I am a very social person, seeing how I talk to absolutely anyone I come across. So it’s not that I’ve been de-socialized, it's more that I just grew up and put away childish things and ways.

 Just a few of the childish things I speak of are: selfishness, I was only looking at what the outcome of any situation would lead ME to; gloating, about material possessions or personal achievements; judging others based on their possessions or lack thereof (ick); being unkind and cold when I wasn’t having a good day; unforgiving towards anyone who hurt or upset me; covetous, wanting things others had; insecurity, there are beautiful women all over the world and Hollywood and social media sure did a good job of reminding me that I definitely was not comparable to "them"; spiteful, I could be very mean and malicious for no reason; greed, wanting everything that glitters with gold (all the material things the world told me I needed to be accepted by the world).

 I partied, oh man..did I! I did the drugs and drank the alcohol that came along with it, and was sexually immoral! I hung out with 'someone's and ‘famous’ people, I watched awful things on television and in the movies, I read empty words that filled pages upon pages of worldly books and somehow I always ended the day thinking I was happy and satisfied! In reality all I ever felt was empty and alone! Truly.  I never felt the true sense of happiness, until I realized I was leaving the biggest and most important happiness factor out of my life-- God and His Son! 

                Sure, I’ve always been a "Christian" and was raised in church since I was a child, but I believe I was indeed living the life of a Christian Atheist. I said I was a Christian, but the way I acted and reacted to things weren’t even close to that of a Christian, more of an atheist! (I had a carnal acceptance of Jesus and what He did on the Cross; I was not truly born again).

                It was all a fantasy world I found myself living every single day. Sure it felt good to wake up to messages from a ‘someone’ in the mornings, or to go out in the world and have people tell me how beautiful I looked on the outside (the flesh perishes, the inner man is where our beauty truly is), or even waking up early only to spend the rest of my day engulfed in television and social media that only seemed to further deteriorate my soul and mind!

              I realized I didn’t want to be this person or live this life any longer, I was so miserable! Everyone on the outside looking in on my life always thought I had it made. Everyone was always saying something about where I was going next! I was always traveling somewhere or always at some sporting event or concert. I was living exactly the life that many people wish they could live, but trust me when I say it is an illusion, all smoke and mirrors people! I knew that inside of me buried deep somewhere was the happy "Christian"  girl I used to be and could be when I chose to. I craved, and do crave, for that person to be present every single second of my being. Not just this day or that day, or whatever day I’m having a ‘good’ day, but every single day

                (I was only able to achieve this change through the sacrifice paid for ME on the Cross, through being truly born again and regenerated by Jesus Christ's blood! The old me was dead and gone the day I truly accepted the gift freely given! I could feel the change immediately and KNEW something serious really had taken place in my life and I KNEW God was the ONLY answer! His Son came down and saved me from myself!) EZEKIEL 36:25-27; JOHN 3:5-6; ROMANS 10:9; 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17; I PETER 1:23; EZEKIEL 11:19-21; PSALM 51:10; ETC ETC. There's so many scriptures on it.    

                Why does everyone seem to be so wrapped up in living for the world and what it has to offer? Why do we live our lives focused so much on what has happened to us in the past? Do we not really comprehend the shortness of this life? I’m not so sure that some do. The life I was living was full of sin, lies, and complete naturally I thought I was fooling myself and God, but in all reality I was wasting time and only fooling myself and in the process causing myself to live a truly sad and miserable life--on the inside!

              Thankfully, the Lord woke me up to the realization that time IS running out and I needed to make things right, and fast! So there I was at the crossroads; the life I had planned for myself and I indeed had the free will to choose to continue living blindly and following the world, sinning every second of the way, or I could simply choose to turn back to God! Honestly, had He not come down to me the day of my Grandfather's funeral, I'm not so sure if I ever would've woke up. He literally had to hit me over the head to wake me up! I was that disillusioned guys! The veil was so thick!

                It seems to me that a lot of the people that really do have a desire and craving to know who God is, where He is, and what He’s all about, never choose to take the time to follow through with it because the devil, through society, has programmed them to feel ashamed of their sins which ultimately leaves them with the feelings and thoughts that they aren’t worthy of God’s love anyway, so many think, “Why waste my time or anyone else’s for that matter?” 

             That’s just not right or even close to the TRUTH. Yes, sin brings consequences but that shouldn’t make us want to go ahead and keep living in that sin and choose the devils path just because we’ve been taught to think this way. You have the ability to turn from this behavior and way of thinking if you’ll just believe in God's power to transform you and trust that Jesus did come to save you from this curse we are having to find our ways through. All we have to do is accept His gift of salvation and live the Christian life He desires for us, through much persecution and many trials. Do not believe the lies that Christian's have it made and are somehow able to escape any type of pain or tribulations.  

 Death was also something I was absolutely terrified of before being born again. We are all well aware and scared of death because we have been programmed to be fearful; programmed to constantly listen and watch of the death that surrounds us, and programmed to hate God for the death of anyone! Shootings, car wrecks, genocide, murders, cancer, HIV, even natural causes of death are somehow solely God's fault? 

            I realize there's a real fear factor reminder that death awaits us all but it doesn’t have to be anything other than what it is. The word ‘death’ in several books of the New Testament is also the same as: asleep in Christ, asleep, or resting. Do any of those sound scary? No, to me they all sound quite pleasant and peaceful. Sure death is scary for those who chose for it to be their permanent decision, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life". Death is just a stepping stone for those who do this. "For to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord", if you have accepted the gift of eternal life through Jesus' blood sacrifice.

I’m not saying I don’t understand the reality of death and the pain it leaves in it's wake, because it indeed surrounds us 24/7, every second of every single day and I have lost count of all of the loved ones I personally have lost in my short life thus far, and it hurts. Deeply. But we have to keep our eyes on the One who came to conquer death! It will be no more, it is the last thing conquered! But like I said, it isn’t anything to be fearful of if you are safe under the arms of Jesus. 

           I do realize that the mere thought to many of having a ‘personal relationship’ with someone they can’t see, feel, hear, or touch (for some-- some do hear and see), just sounds absolutely ridiculous. That’s where ‘Jesus freak’ and ‘weirdo’ come in, but one can’t ignore the presence of the Lord in one’s life if they have experienced it personally, that’s me. It isn’t anything you feel you can even explain to anyone without sounding a little crazy, and I have been called that by a few. I didn’t really understand it then, but I do now. (ACTS 17:11)

“Everybody thinks I’m crazy. They say, “You take the Jesus thing too seriously.” Well I don’t know, but Christ took me pretty seriously when He died for me on the Cross.”

 I’ve realized that now all I ever seem to find myself talking about or thinking about is the importance of loving one another and putting behind us the pain and hurt from the past! Just letting it all go. 

             Here are a few lovely examples of what has/needs to change:

So I find myself, on a cold and rainy Tuesday afternoon, in Ardmore Oklahoma at the “Y Boys and Girls Club”. I was there to hang out with a friend that worked for the youth center who just happened to be refereeing a kid’s basketball game. My friend had text me earlier that morning to ask if I wanted to come hang out and watch his nephew’s basketball game later that evening. Sure, I hadn’t seen my friend in a while and felt like we needed to spend some time together, and I’m always willing to go spread my faith at any time. We actually met my freshman year of college and he turned out to be a friend I never saw coming. 9+ years now and we still keep in touch.

So sitting in the stands alone, being surrounded by dozens of people that I have no idea who they are or where they’re from, feeling a lot like a blur in the background, I suddenly felt like time was rolling on in front of me and I wasn’t really there. I couldn’t help but overhear conversations on either side of me. To my right was a very nice elderly man who was at the game to support his little grandson. You could see how excited and proud this grandpa was for his grandson and he had not any other care in the world other than basking in this single moment; and if he did I wasn’t aware because all he talked about was his grandson and how his wife was on her way---she was running late.

To my left was a group of basketball moms. I silently prayed that it would be a good night and thought to myself, “Is it possible to ever experience an evening of people just being happy and living in the moment”? Nope, it was a short lived thought because almost immediately I heard things that were troubling to my soul! The basketball moms talked on things such as: how good one boy was compared to the others who "sucked" (don’t they all want to be told good job?); one of the ‘grown’ women calling a child on the opposing team a ‘fatty’ (I’m not sure if this made her feel better about her own weight problem); John and Cindy’s Facebook relationship status and relationship (recently told by a guy that “it’s just a status to happily occupy some girl”); and I sat and watched a married man lust after a girl who was scantily dressed (lust and adultery are very scary to meddle in). So I couldn’t quite grasp on to the stupidity of the wasted breathe and what I would have hoped the intellect on many individuals parts that day. I felt so grieved within my soul for the state of people's minds. (Remind you, I had just been born again and was hyperaware of everything going on around me in the spiritual sense.)

It is so bizarre to me how we all float around thinking it’s our business what everyone else is doing in their personal lives! There is a boundary of personal space as well as respect. I believe it is healthy to be involved in giving and helping others in times of happiness and need, but when it comes to Joel and Hannah’s marriage, I believe it’s best if we let God be the interpretive one, not ourselves. So why can’t we direct this energy we so badly seem to want to direct toward things of this world and other people's problems that aren’t any of our business and instead direct it towards what children in our own communities aren’t eating for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Or the clothes they don’t have to wear to school! Or the utilities in these homes that may not be paid this month that need to be, so they’ll be able to take hot baths and cook what food they might have for supper!

Upon many conversations with ‘influential’ and ‘smart’ individuals in my life, I find the diversity in doing such things for people. There are those with mind sets like my own, who do understand the need and the point in doing these things for others. And there are the polar opposites of those who will argue until they are blue in the face of how no one needs to help anyone; "everyone needs to figure it out on their own". But what about these children that are affected by all of the decisions ‘adults’ make? Sometimes the children make more logical decisions than the so called parents! Yes, some people simply shouldn’t have children but guess what? They do, and it’s here for us to live with and do something about! How can anyone with a born again new heart look at a child that has rags for so called clothing and dirt under his fingernails, because no one cared enough to make sure he had bathed himself that night, really say they have a heart if they don’t do something about it?!!

          It is not the child’s fault that the parents are too wrapped up in their own lives filled with games of poker and Call of Duty (our real duty is to The Lord!), or caught up in the fantasy land of Hollywood on TV. Oh, and let’s not forget the social worlds of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to name a few. It’s everyone’s 15 minutes of fame this day in age. The parents don’t seem to realize that their children wake up, go to school for 8 hours of their day, go home, play, eat supper—the lucky ones, and go to sleep a short while after only to wake up the next day to repeat the same monotonous tasks once again! There really is no time in between for bonding because everyone seems to have let technology slip through the foundation like ivy, creeping and crawling all around us. It practically consumes the ‘normal’ savvy and up-to-date human being. (sigh)

 There’s a huge percentage of people that have many different sorts of technological devices and apps they use to run their daily lives. What happened to talking in person or doing things on our own, with our God given hands and brains without having the help of a computer? Technology not only has put a wedge between man and the real world, our lives, but also between jobs and the unemployment rates. It now has taken over jobs that humans used to succeed and pride themselves at producing and manufacturing every day for a living. A living, you know, to feed their families and pay their bills? Whatever gadget or program we talk about has to be produced and manufactured, so this should be eye opening. I realize some people won’t even get the point at all but that’s understood.

There’s also the reality of the families that are living a life according to an addiction. Now you have to realize there are many levels and types of addictions. Let’s say….methamphetamines, prescriptions drugs, cocaine, alcohol, pornography, crack, opiates, heroine, huffing, television, social media, upon many many more! We all know addictions are very serious and life threatening. When an individual is addicted, that certain addiction takes the number 1 spot in their lives, nothing else is AS important! Of course they still care about their children and family but the addiction is just way more important. Sounds harsh, but it’s the truth and we all know it. We also know about the parents who don’t love or care at all, no addiction added. The addict pulls a $20 bill out of their wallet and has the thought, "okay, I can either take home a few groceries to prepare a hot dinner for my family or I can just grab a 30 pack of Bud Light and find my way home eventually". The addict just doesn’t feel like dealing with the emotions and heartache the real world has brought, so they settled for the latter and now the two children, both ages in elementary school, won’t eat dinner and will go to bed hungry. The other parent is so drugged out on prescription pain killers that they didn’t even notice the children haven’t eaten or had their baths before bed. The children will also go to school dirty and in the same clothes as the previous day because all the laundry is dirty, why do laundry when my life is so ‘awful’? The kids settle on sleeping in the clothes from that day and will be ready to go as soon as they crawl out of bed in the morning.

(Where are the witnesses to reach these parents with the hope that they don't have to live life this way! There's a better way, and He, Jesus Christ, came to die for them! He came to save them from this life, to give them hope and joy amongst the chaos, amongst the heartache, amongst all the pain this world throws at us, HE CAN AND WILL HELP US THROUGH IT IF WE JUST TRUST THIS AND REALLY BELIEVE IN HIM! Trust me!)

                The children at school the next day, those that haven’t been raised to not judge others or make fun of the less fortunate-- whether emotionally or materially neglected, laugh and make fun of them because they have the same clothes on as yesterday and are dirty. “Ewe, that’s gross!”.  A few children are gentle and loving and accept these children for who they are on the inside because they’ve been raised in a loving household and taught to love each as your own and treat others as you desire to be treated! 

             Typically the children stuck in these loveless homes are usually the ones who love being at school, despite the few bullies who always seem to drag their confidence home with them on the bottoms of their shoes. They usually don't want to ever hear the bell ring at the end of the day, reminding them of the hell that waits when they arrive ‘home’. Is it the children’s fault they didn’t have dinner or know how to bathe themselves when no one ever seemed to care enough to teach them or help them? Let me guess, the next reaction will be, “the kids just need to do it themselves or get a job”.

              If we could all just realize that this life isn’t about money, fame, cars, and clothes, social media status, etc-- it’s actually about our Creator, who gave us this life, and taking care of His children with genuine love and compassion! His children aren’t just children either, they’re adults as well. 

             If you profess yourself to be a Christ follower, it is OUR duty to be the ones to help those in need. Not just say we will say a prayer for them. We have to literally help them with their physical needs!

             I guess my point here is, I used to be all about myself and all the things the world taught me to seek after and try and achieve, but thankfully I was finally able to see the truth through God removing the veil and placing a new heart within me, and let me tell you, He is very real and ready for you. The only thing is, we really don’t have much time left to get right with Him. If you’ll sit down and pray for understanding and truth, He indeed will give it. You have to be genuine though. Don’t live for the world any longer, live for God and you’ll see how amazing and wonderful it feels!

            I also have the comfort in knowing that even when I do mess up it’s okay because I have God to help me through it and through His Son I've been forgiven for my past sins, present sins, and future sins. I also know that if I'm in a 15 foot hole, rest assured that the Lord will send me an angel to throw a 16 foot rope so I can climb back up! We can accomplish absolutely anything we desire through Him, if it's for the glory of His Son and His Kingdom (not the worldly desires of our wicked hearts). 

            I think it’s obvious which decision I went with and I couldn’t be any happier. Yet I now, born again, am very aware of the many Christian atheists walking around lifeless because they're consumed by the world. I dare you to take the time to really sit back and make sure you KNOW you KNOW you KNOW that you've been truly born again and that you are living for God; not in the world and for the world. 

          I've not been de-socialized, I've only awakened to the truth and what really matters in this world; God and His Son and the fact that we all have to be born again to truly make a change in this world; not live for the world and alongside it making matters worse.