Thursday, March 14, 2013

God removed from our schools

Dec 13, 2012

Well today was a very trying say the least. I'll start off first with a little back story on the day the Lord "woke me up" and I'll finish with what happened yesterday morning at school;

The Lord spoke to me in a vision as I was driving home from my Grandfather's funeral and one of the things He was very specific that I was to do, was to go in to work the next morning and resign from my job. (My very well paying job at that!) I was to move back to my hometown so I could be with my mother as she dealt with the death of her father. Everyone around me thought I had lost my mind. I had literally just moved in to my new apartment in Edmond, and literally new because no one had ever lived in it prior to myself and my younger sister. The Lord then showed me that I was to immediately call the Superintendent of the public school I attended as child and let them know I would be available to sit in for any teacher that needed me. So, for the next several months I found my "job" being a substitute teacher to all grades.

On this day, one of the 3rd grade students confidently strolled up to my desk and was clearly very excited about something! He had this HUGE smile shining brightly in his little eyes and I began to wonder what could possibly make this little child so happy? So, I naturally figured it would be something sad that would just upset me, like usual now days. The Lord has done some very amazing things in and through me this last month and it's hard to even put in to words without sounding like a lunatic.

Anyway, I say sad because we do not really seem to realize how absolutely ridiculous we have let everything get! It's to the point that small children are having feelings of inadequacy over things that should be of no relevance to their little selves. This generation, and our society in a whole actually, all seem to have a spell put on us that makes us think and really believe that all our life consists of and should revolve around are materialism & being a "someone". Oh and let's not forget greed. If we don't get the things we want, that others have, then we can't and simply will not be happy? Right? This is NOT true, and I have the prime example right here!

This little child had brought in to school with him a t-shirt that he had made in to an apron at bible school the previous Sunday. He was SO excited and proud over this apron that he designed with his own little hands, so in his state of excitement he asked if we could put it up in the classroom somewhere so his friends and classmates could see it! He wanted to share it with everyone and I had every intention of doing so, but after class was over I went to lunch and changed classrooms. I got distracted, it's the story of our lives.

On the front of the shirt was a Cross with the scripture ISAIAH 6:8 and below it there were a pair of hands lifting up towards heaven and "Here I am Lord" written in between the outlifted hands. It was the cutest thing ever, and mostly because he was so excited about Jesus! I could see the love literally pouring out of him. Talk about warming your heart!, and if it doesn't then I'd say you need to do some soul searching sooner rather than later!
Well, this morning when I got to the classroom I found the young child and asked where his apron was because I planned to do something special with it for him. I intuitively noticed how something didn't seem right because just yesterday he seemed to be so excited about it but now he seemed to feel reserved and confused. He immediately looked down towards his feet and with a sad look in his eyes he looked up and proceeded to tell me,

"Well, one of my teachers took it off of the desk and told me to NEVER bring it back to school with me again..."
Um, what!? I almost had a heart attack after learning this! I, obviously, didn't realize how now days people at school, and everywhere, treat God like he's voo doo and not to be spoken of! This is very sad people! What in GOD'S creation is going on?!!!!! I have been extremely outraged about this since. I have also finally realized the times we are living in and the severity of speaking the truth, no matter the consequences. It has to be spoken, no matter what. Being silent is a crime in the eyes of the Lord. He told us to share the good news after we have found it and this child was doing just that.

Since when is it a crime, a 3rd grade crime at that, to bring your childlike faith with you to school to share with your friends? I do not know how or when we let this happen but it seems we have taken God out of everything, even our schools apparently! Our country was founded on the right to worship God in your own way and it was said to see to it that others have the right to do the same as well! We have the right to speak our minds without fear of imprisonment or punishment; To ensure the rights of others, even if you do not agree with them. This little kid had fear of punishment written all over him and that is not okay!

Our rights as a citizen:
You and your family can; worship where you like; say what you like; own things and live where you like; meet people where you want; go to a good school; vote; have a trial by jury; keep people from searching your homes--unless they have a special paper called a warrant from a judge. These rights are yours! You keep them by using them! So, the question at this point may be, how is this all okay?

It infuriates me to no end and I feel like there is a huge ball of disgust lodged in my stomach and that's a very justified feeling! Who does this teacher think she is making this small child feel sad and ASHAMED simply for bringing a t-shirt to school that he found interesting and cool? All he wanted to do was share the love of Jesus with his friends. I believe this sounds a lot like a story many of us have heard before...
What would this teacher have done if the kid would have been wearing that shirt? Of course he wouldn't have been wearing it because it's now an apron, so cute, but you get where I'm going with this! This is not okay people, please wake up to what is really going on right under our noses. When we take the only loving and caring factor out of our lives, and schools, how can we even turn around and feel shocked at the things that seem to be taking place in schools now?

Not long after God was removed from schools the Columbine shootings took place and it seems it hasn't gotten any better since, only worse. When we remove God from our lives and schools how then can we logically expect Him to protect us and take care of us? He received the message loud and clear when we shunned Him and decided we no longer needed His love and grace with our children while they are at school, a place that should be a comfort zone for every child out there! We've seemed to have given the reigns over to the world and satan because he is the ruler over the entire world through Adam and Eve's disobedience.  We can all clearly see where that's gotten us so far!

I urge everyone to please open your eyes to the darkness that is spreading thicker and thicker all around us before time runs out! God is our ONLY HOPE and our ONLY PROTECTION FROM THE WICKED! WAKE UP!!! 

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